Why Is Art So Important To Me?

As we all know, when kids are little they like to draw alot. It's mostly just squiggles and lines. Almost every kid loves to draw and color so of course when I was little I did it. Not many people can say they found their true passion at an early age. There are many people who have already had a lifetime of experiences that still haven't found their passion, or at least aren't doing it. 
My mother is an amazing artist. She's great in any medium. Clay, charcoal, paint, photography, even cooking. She encouraged me to do what I loved at an early age and at 3 years old I knew that was drawing. It was a way to express what I couldn't say in words; mainly because I didn't know many words. 

As I got older I began to practice more and more. It was a stress reliever. When I wasn't doing homework or helping my older brother with his homework, I was drawing. Drawing has always relaxed me. I could start a portrait and be so concentrated in it that I lose track of time. It may seem like I can finish a complete portrait in an hour or less, but that's only because once my pencil hits the paper I have no control over my hand. It reflects what I see. 

Just recently in the past 3 years I've paid alot more attention to detail. Thanks to my Mom and youtube for tips on how to shade realistically, I can make a face look more 3-D. My art, however, isn't just about making things look real enough to be confused with a black and white photo. It's not just copying something. It's more than that. It's about looking at every single curve, shadow, highlight, eyelash, reflection, texture. Knowing those things and being able to recreate what they look like to me and how it makes me feel when I get it right, makes all the time it took trying and practicing worth it. 

I only draw what I can connect to. Once my connections were so abstract I drew a picture of my cell phone because that was my life-line to my friends and family. 

When I draw something that I can connect to, I feel so much more closer to it. And after drawing someone so many times you learn their face, the way they smile, the way their eyes are full of life and you just want to keep drawing them because it seems impossible to capture the essence and beauty of their life. 

Be it that life a happy or sad one. 

It can be easy to draw an expression on a face but its impossible to make it perfect if you don't understand the meaning of that expression. And you can't understand the meaning unless you are the person that it means something to. 
That is what art, to me, is about. Expressing, yes. But also trying to understand. 

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